In partnership with VIRTUS Online, A Program and Service of the National Catholic Risk Retention Group, the Diocese of Biloxi is on mission to provide training and safeguard the dignity, safety, and well-being of all who entrust themselves to the care of the Church.
Every volunteer who are representing the parish or Diocese in a public/visible service ministry and every employee of all parishes and Catholic schools of the Diocese of Biloxi must receive a copy of the Policy of the Diocese of Biloxi Regarding Complaints of Abuse of Minors. Copies of this policy are available from any pastor or principal. If any volunteer who serves with minors/vulnerable adults or any employee did not receive this policy, please contact your pastor or principal. A copy of the policy is also available to any interested person.
In addition, a copy of the Diocesan Code of Conduct Regarding Contact with Minors and the Diocesan Policy Concerning Supervision of Youth Trips and Other Youth Functions are also available from your pastor or principal.
All lay volunteers (who are representing the parish or Diocese in a public/visible service ministry), employees, clergy, and religious must complete the Essential Three:
Acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct and Policies
Background check
Safe Environment training
To complete these requirements, all participants must first register with VIRTUS Online. Please click on the VIRTUS link to access the VIRTUS Registration page:
Information about the committee available upon request at the Pastoral Center: (228)702-2100. Terms are re-evaluated every 3 years.
The first obligation of the Church with regard to victims is for healing and reconciliation. The clergy, religious, and laity who serve in the ministries of the Diocese of Biloxi are committed to making Church ministries safe for young people. Allegations of misconduct with minors are reported as the law requires and an internal investigation is conducted.
Emily Cloud is the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi.