School: Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans
Home Parish: St. Clare Catholic Church, Waveland
Birthday: November 30
Hi, my name is Jon Olivier. I'm a seminarian for the Biloxi Diocese at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans.
I was a late call to the Seminary. I was in my forties before I started taking my faith seriously. A married couple in Mass reached out and asked me to join them in a parish bible study on Acts. It started to change my life. I rarely prayed and read scripture outside of Mass. I finally met parishioners who lived their faith and were willing to take a chance on me. It eventually led me to get involved at the parish level and to ask God what I could do for Him. For me, that led to prison ministry. God still had other plans. It took many years but I started to feel the call to religious life and possibly to a priestly vocation. I've finished my third year at NDS and the calling is stronger now than ever. My advice is don't be afraid to ask God what you can do for him. He will lead you exactly where you need to be to serve His Kingdom. God Bless.