The Diocese of Biloxi requires all engaged couples to attend Natural Family Planning (NFP) classes as part of their overall marriage preparation formation program. Typically, this will include several sessions covering why the Church teaches NFP, basic biology of the body and how NFP works.
Please check out the “NFP Roadmap” which shows the steps and options for NFP Training. The “NFP Videos” tab gives access to two excellent videos: The first is by Jason Evert on “Why Natural Family Planning;” and the second is An Overview of Basic Reproductive Biology and NFP by Dr. Michele Pisciotta with an introduction by Bishop Lewis Kihneman III. The “NFP Options” provides basic
information on the 3 NFP Methods taught in the diocese and is provided to help you choose which method works best for you. “NFP Instructors Contact Information” provides contact information to use once you have decided on an NFP Method.