by Bishop Louis F. Kihneman III - Bishop of Biloxi
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Jesus established the Catholic Church to evangelize, and he commissions us to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them, to teach all he commands us, and to trust that he is with us always. Living out this Great Commission of Jesus is both personal and communal. Each of us is called personally not only to witness to our faith but also to accompany others in faith. Each of our parishes, families, schools, and ministries have the same mission, and it should be fostered each time the community comes together.
We as a Church have deep beliefs, traditions, and awe-inspiring rituals that have spanned the centuries. Part of the challenge for us as modern-day Catholics is how to reveal to the world our faith in and love of Jesus Christ and His presence with us. The secular culture not only discourages, but is often hostile to those of faith. Our tradition of “wordless witness” is no longer effective in today’s world. The current culture in our parishes, families, schools, and ministries needs to shift to be effective in following the Great Commission of Jesus.
Many do not know how to share our faith with others. Each of us must begin by growing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone, beginning with the leadership of our communities, needs to be trained to be disciple makers that embrace the clear mission of Jesus to foster discipleship, accompaniment, and to form disciple makers.
I believe our parishes, families, schools, and ministries can make this shift from maintenance to answering the Great Commission of Jesus. It will mean that we all, individually and as a Church, commit ourselves to this mission. The following pastoral message gives the groundwork for how we will make this shift together. Pope Paul VI, Pope Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict, and Pope Francis, have all called us to follow Jesus’ Great Commission. It is time for us to heed the call and, “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19b-20a)
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Louis F. Kihneman, III
Bishop of Biloxi
EDITOR’S NOTE: Missio Nostra – Our Mission: Understanding the Great Commission of Jesus Christ is available on the Diocese of Biloxi’s website, and will be published in an upcoming edition of the Gulf Pine Catholic.