The Diocese of Biloxi Pastoral Center is here to offer resources, support, leadership, and care; under the guidance of Bishop Louis Kihneman, through a variety of offices and ministries.
Sharing information, events, and news from and for our Diocese through digital and print media sources.
This department shares local and national Catholic News through our newspaper, The Gulf Pine Catholic; facilitates community outreach through digital platforms like social media and our website; and continues to document and archive all the Diocese and our Bishop do through Photography and Videography.
Leading our schools to make disciples and disciple-makers, while striving for academic excellency.
The Diocese of Biloxi is home to 14 schools. 13 are Diocesan schools and 1 is a private Catholic School operated by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Of the 13 Diocesan schools, we have both elementary and High Schools.
Equipping and pouring into our lay and ordained leaders(Priests, deacons, and other leaders though out the diocese) to share the gospel, lead people in transformation, and guide people toward healing and discernment.
The goal is to create opportunities to experience an encounter with Christ and grow in our Catholic faith through retreats, workshops, and other events for community and transformation.
Guiding our schools and parish religious education with a Faith Formation plan and curriculum standards in order to form intentional disciples of Jesus Christ who are prepared, purposeful, and eager to spread the Gospel Proclamation throughout the world as commissioned by Christ himself in Matthew 28: 19-20.
Resources and information for engaged couples and marriage at every stage, the marriage process in the Catholic Church within the Diocese of Biloxi, and encouragement for living family life as a domestic church.
Offering guidance to those on their journey of vocational discernment . One cannot discern alone. The best way to discern is with help from the church, ideally from a priest or someone trustworthy to help guide you.
We are looking to help you better understand yourself as a person, your Catholic faith, and all the different vocations.
The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry reaches out to the youth and young adults of this diocese and beyond; supporting our parishes with their youth and young adult programs, assisting our youth ministers in planning and formation to better understand how we can lead our youth to become intentional disciples of Jesus Christ in their parishes.
We advertise, develop, and support events and retreats to include parish and Catholic school participation both locally, nationally, and internationally.