The Leadership Gift Societies were created to both recognize and celebrate those individuals who sustain the ministries and programs of the Diocese of Biloxi through significant gifts to the Catholic Sharing Appeal.
This support ensures the ministries and programs of the Diocese of Biloxi continue to provide for the pastoral needs of families, children and countless others who seek our help and assistance. These gifts, received with deepest gratitude, make a profound difference, and are gratefully recognized by Bishop Kihneman.
As Co-Patron of our diocese and husband of Mary, St. Joseph serves as a model to us in trusting God. When you become a member of the St. Joseph Society, your generous gift to the Catholic Sharing Appeal provides essential support to our programs, ministries, and services that allow us to do God’s work in South Mississippi.
St. Joseph inspires us to trust in God’s plan for us, no matter what circumstances we face. As the husband of Mary, St. Joseph answered God’s call to support her and Jesus. His humility, love, and faithfulness were important anchors for the Holy Family. Today, St. Joseph models for us what it means to do God’s work with humility, love, and faithfulness. Our ministries and programs follow St. Joseph’s example as they do God’s work throughout the 17 southern counties of Mississippi. Each year, the Catholic Sharing Appeal raises funds to support this critical work.
The Society of St. Joseph includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $25,000 or more.
As Co-Patron of our Diocese, St. Martin de Porres gives witness to what it means to truly use all of what we have been given to share God’s love with others. When you join the St. Martin de Porres Society, your generous gift to the Catholic Sharing Appeal helps us to meet the many needs of our parish and our diocesan faith community.
In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear of the powerful miracle of Jesus feeding the multitude with just five barley loves and two fish. Not only were all given food, but the Gospel tells us that they were all satisfied and there were leftovers. This story of abundance connects well with the life of St. Martin de Porres. From the outside, he did not have many resources. And yet, he always used what he had to serve the needs of his community. Today, our diocese is blessed with many individuals and families who have supported
our work. Taking our resources together, we are able to create an abundance of programs that nourish our parishes and our entire diocese. Each year, the CSA is a vital opportunity to share our gifts so that we can
feed the multitudes in a variety of programs and services.
The Society of St. Martin De Porres includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $10,000-$24,999.
Recognized as the Patron of Seminarians, St. Charles Borromeo served the Church in countless ways, especially through his work to ensure the proper education and formation of seminarians. When you become a member of the St. Charles Borromeo Society, your incredible commitment to the Catholic Sharing Appeal supports many ministries and programs of our parishes and diocese, including supporting our seminarians.
St. Charles Borromeo served as a priest, bishop, and cardinal during a time of great need in the Church and in the world. Through his humble leadership, he worked tirelessly in the care of the Church and for God's people. One of his most important priorities was reforming how seminarians were formed and educated to serve as Catholic priests. This ensured that every young man preparing for ordination to the priesthood were be properly formed to offer a life of service to the Lord and His Church. Today, we are blessed as a diocese with young men interested in committing their life for ordained service to God’s people. Each year, the Catholic Sharing Appeal raises funds to make sure that they receive the proper training to be able to effectively serve all of God’s people. With these ministries and programs in place, we are able to ensure that our Church will be able to live out its mission for years to come.
The Society of St. Charles Borromeo includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $5,000-$9,999.
As Patron of Fishermen, St. Andrew inspires us as a man who was called by Jesus to become one of his closest companions. When you become a member of the St. Andrew Society, your gift to the Catholic Sharing Appeal is used to help us to be more faithful witnesss to Christ to every member of our parish and our diocese through a variety of ministries and programs that serve the 17 southern counties of Mississippi.
St. Andrew is called by Jesus right where he is in life. Right at the shore, Jesus invites him to greater things by following Him. St. Andrew could not have known everything that God had in store for him at that moment, but he left his nets and followed him. That commitment led St. Andrew to experience God’s love in a profound way as he directly witnessed Jesus’ teachings and miracles. St. Andrew’s life reminds us that God calls each of
us to follow him wherever we are at in life. The many ministries and programs of the Catholic Sharing Appeal make this important calling possible. Each year, funds raised from the Catholic Sharing Appeal go to parish and diocesan ministries that meet people where they are at and bring the witness of Christ to them.
The Society of St. Andrew includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $2,500-$4,999.
St. Therese dedicated her spiritual life to supporting the Church in prayer, particularly the missions and eventually becoming the Patroness of Missions. When you become a member of the St. Therese of Lixieux Society, your commitment to the Catholic Sharing Appeal helps us to continue our mission as intentional disciples.
Know for her "Little Way," St. Therese of Lisieux lived her short life spiritually committed to the mission of the Church. With our roots as a mission diocese, we recognize the powerful intercession St. Therese provides us in our work of bringing Christ to all of those in need. She inspires us that we are each able to live as intentional disciples for others. We have been blessed with parish and diocesan programs that do everything they can with where they are to share Christ’s love with others, like St. Therese did. Each
year, the Catholic Sharing Appeal raises funds that provide critical operating support for our ministries and programs. These services impact thousands of lives each year.
The Society of St. Therese of Lisieux includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $1,500-$2,499.
As Patron of Charities, St. Vincent de Paul reminds us of the impact each of our lives can have when we charitably give to others. When you become a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, your generous contribution to the Catholic Sharing Appeal benefits many ministries and programs, including Catholic Charities of South Mississippi.
St. Vincent de Paul lived his life in a way that was faithful to Jesus’ call in the Gospel to care for those in need. Indeed, Jesus tells us that when we give to those in most need, we give to Him. St. Vincent de Paul lived this message faithfully, providing for the physical and spiritual need of so many during his lifetime.
In our diocese today, we unite the work of Catholic Charities and your generosity to the Catholic Sharing Appeal into the call of Jesus "feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and clothe the naked." Your support is critical to this call of our Lord to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $1,000-$1,499.
St. John Vianney served his vocation well as a parish priest, eventually becoming Patron of Parish Priests. When you become a member of the St. John Vianney Society, your Catholic Sharing Appeal gift supports vital programs and ministries of our diocese, including the work of our parish priests.
At the end of Jesus’ time on earth, He asks Peter if he loves Him, and then asks him to feed His lambs. Repeating this two more times, Jesus is telling Peter that he is called to care for God’s people. St. John Vianney powerfully witnessed to this call throughout his life. Serving a community in France after the revolution, he worked steadfastly to provide for the spiritual needs of his faith community. Today, we are blessed to have the witness of many priests in our diocese that serve like St. John Vianney. In each of their parishes and ministries, they witness to God's love in real and personal ways. They also work hard to provide for the spiritual care of every soul in our diocese. Each year, you have the opportunity to greatly help them in their vocation to serve the Lord by supporting the Catholic Sharing Appeal.
The Society of St. John Vianney includes Catholic Sharing Appeal gifts of $500-$999.