We are all aware of reports involving the abuse of minors or vulnerable adults by persons in positions of trust. While persons who would do such reprehensible things constitute a small minority of the population, this notoriety can lead to otherwise innocent behavior being misconstrued. Also, although a minority, we must not forget that persons who would harm our minors or vulnerable adults do exist and it is morally imperative for us to do all we can to safeguard our minors or vulnerable adults. Both of these interests can be served by an established code of behavior consistent with Christian values and Catholic Church teachings.
This policy covers all priests, deacons, religious, pastoral ministries, administrators, staff, employees and volunteers. This policy presupposes that the minor or vulnerable adult is not the child of the person, since we are generally not in a position to proscribe conduct between a parent and child.
While in service to the Church, clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers should avoid being alone with any unrelated minor or vulnerable adult except for reasonable, common sense exceptions, such as emergency situations and circumstances where the interaction is incidental and not extended. One-on-one meetings with an unrelated minor or vulnerable adult must be held in a public area visible to others through a line of vision. Whenever possible, parents and/or guardians should attend or be told of such meetings in advance.
No form of corporal punishment is acceptable and is prohibited as a way for behavior management of minors or vulnerable adults.
Appropriate affection is important for a child’s development and is a positive part of the Church life and ministry. Physical contact with minors or vulnerable adults must be appropriate and nonsexual. There are forms of affection between Church personnel and minors/vulnerable adults that are regarded as appropriate examples for most Church sponsored affiliated programs:
Side hugs
Shoulder to shoulder or “temple” hugs
Pats on the shoulder or back
“High-fives” and hand slapping
Verbal praise
Touching hands, faces, shoulders and arms of minors
Arms around shoulders
Holding hands while walking with small children
Sitting beside a small child
Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children
Holding hands during prayer
Pats on the head when culturally appropriate (example: this gesture typically should be avoided in some Asian communities).
Some forms of physical affection have been used by adults to initiate inappropriate contact with minors or vulnerable adults. In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for minors/vulnerable adults, the following examples of affection are not to be used in Church sponsored and affiliated programs. This list is intended to be illustrative but not exhaustive.
Inappropriate or lengthy embraces
Touching bottoms, chests or genital areas
Showing affection in isolated areas such as bedrooms, staff-only areas, or other private areas
Touching knees, thighs or legs of minors
Wrestling with minors
Piggyback rides
Any type of massage
Any forms of unwanted affection
Compliments that relate to physique or body development
No alcohol, tobacco or profanity are to be used at youth activities. Sacramental wine used during celebration of Mass is not, of course, a violation of this policy.
The introduction of sexually explicit or pornographic topics, vocabulary, music, recordings, films, games, web sites, computer software, or entertainment is strictly forbidden.
Harassment, whether based upon race, ethnicity, sex, physical appearance or otherwise is not consistent with Christian principles and Church teachings. Each person is made in the image of God and deserving of respect and dignity. No one shall engage in any form of harassment. Any complaint which alleges any form of harassment shall be promptly reported to the appropriate pastor, principal or office director.
In general, it is not appropriate for a minor to visit the home of an adult. There may be times when this may be appropriate such as when a group youth activity is scheduled at someone’s home. However, minors are not to be present at an adult’s home without other adult chaperones being present.
Clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers must not share private overnight accommodations (bedroom, hotel room, tent, camper, bed, etc.) with an unrelated minor or vulnerable adult. In situations in which overnight accommodations are in open spaces (gymnasiums, classrooms, gathering spaces, etc.) actions should be taken to provide suitable supervision and create reasonable separation between sexes and between adults and minors/vulnerable adults.
Communications by clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers with an unrelated minor or vulnerable adult must be for reasons related to professional or volunteer duties, and with the knowledge of parents or guardians. Clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers must maintain appropriate boundaries in all communications with an unrelated minor or vulnerable adult including through the use of electronic devices or web-based media. If using social media or other electronic forms of communication as part of ministry, connect with your respective supervisor on the appropriate policy and use.
Photographing minors or vulnerable adults for use on social media, websites, or other public means should be with the knowledge of parents and/or guardians.
Because gifts have often been used in the process of grooming potential victims, clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers should carefully consider any gifts given to a minor or vulnerable adult. Gifts should not be of significant monetary value and should not show preference to one minor or vulnerable adult over another.
If any clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employees, and volunteers notices behavior from another clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employee, or volunteer that violates this Code of Conduct, he or she should immediately report these concerns to a supervisor.
Any clergy, religious, consecrated, lay employee, or volunteer, whether a mandated reporter or not, that has reason to suspect that any minor or vulnerable adult has been the victim of physical abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, or neglect shall report the information immediately to the designated supervisor of the program or facility (i.e. parish Director of Religious Education, Director of Youth Ministry, Principal, etc.). If the victim is a minor or vulnerable adult, the supervisor will follow the Policy Regarding Complaints of Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults.
I will:
Conduct myself in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration.
Avoid situations where I am alone with minors/vulnerable adults at Church activities.
Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition, or comparison when working with minors/vulnerable adults.
Inform parents and/or guardians that minors/vulnerable adults may be communicated with through digital communication and may be photographed for parish or diocesan activities/events.
Report suspected abuse to the pastor, administrator, or appropriate supervisor. I understand that failure to report suspected abuse to civil authorities is, according to the law, a misdemeanor.
Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth.
I will not:
Smoke or use tobacco products in the presence of minors and/or vulnerable adults.
Use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at any time while volunteering.
Accept or give expensive or preferential gifts from/to minors and/or vulnerable adults. .
Strike, spank, shake, or slap minors and/or vulnerable adults.
Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, or degrade minors and/or vulnerable adults.
Touch a minor and/or vulnerable adult in a sexual or other inappropriate manner.
Use any discipline that frightens or humiliates minors and/or vulnerable adults.
Use profanity in the presence of minors and/or vulnerable adults.
I understand that as a volunteer, clergy, religious, or employee working with children and/or youth, I am subject to a thorough background check including criminal history. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal in my position with minors and/or vulnerable adults.
September 2024