Alpha is an evangelization process specifically tailored to meet the needs of the unchurched and unengaged. There are mainly two versions of Alpha: The Alpha Film Series and the Alpha Youth Series. The Alpha Youth series includes more relevant stories, student interviews, and visuals that better represent our current cultural moment and resonate with this generation of students and young leaders.
Alpha estimates that in 2021 alone, more than 4,000 Catholic parishes and organizations globally ran Alpha reaching an estimated 279,238 participants. Watch this short video below to see more about the impact being felt around the world when Catholic organizations partner with Alpha.
The goal of alpha is not to catechize, but to evangelize the unchurched and the unengaged.
Alpha is a wonderful method to introduce people to a first knowledge of faith in a way that is very appropriate to modern man. One of the advantages of Alpha is that it focuses on the Kerygma. In the ancient church, there was a clear distinction between the Kerygma and the Didache or the Catechesis. The Kerygma was the starting point of faith, and the catechesis was to form the faith, but faith in itself blossoms by hearing the Kerygma.”
Cardinal Cantalamessa
Preacher of the Papal Household since 1980
Preacher of the Papal HouseholPreacher of the Papal Householdd
One of the reasons that Alpha is phenomenal is because there are not that many things you can invite a person to when you are Catholic. You can invite them to bingo. theology on tap, but you don’t know those will lead them to Jesus or be even good. But when you take them to Alpha, you know it will propose Christ…, and it will be excellent and fun. So my advice is to try Alpha because Alpha is phenomenal."
- Fr. Michael Schmitz
Alpha is a good opportunity for people who have questions about life and the meaning of life. It’s for people who have questions about God. They have a place to have a very non-threatening and welcoming opportunity for them to both have some moments of sharing, but also receive some moments to hear witnessing of people’s lives. To be able to listen to those experiences and hear what gives them meaning and also how God can possibly fit in to their own lives. It's been a really good experience for people who are searching; who are searching for more in life especially.
Through Alpha they are able to experience the joy of having faith, the joy of believing in God, and the joy of being able to walk with Jesus.
- Most Reverend Louis F. Kihneman, III
Bishop of Biloxi